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©Nathalie Daoust

L’art d’être libre

Un documentaire de Tamás Wormser

N’avez-vous jamais rêvé de tout laisser derrière?

Tourné à travers onze pays, ce film cerne les rapports fascinants entre la création et le voyage.  Le réalisateur Tamás Wormser accompagne cinq artistes nomades qui conçoivent leur vie comme une forme d’art à exploiter.  En bourlinguant autour du monde, les personnages jettent un regard stimulant sur notre société contemporaine.

Aleksi K. Lepage
La Presse

…Le documentaire, avec de modestes moyens, nous donne, par les confidences de ces rêveurs pourtant très terriens et par les images puisées aux quatre coins du monde, l’envie de s’en aller (pas de la salle!). Voir ailleurs, voir d’autres visages, d’autres lieux, voir même ailleurs en soi.


Genre: Documentary
Category: Arts, Culture, Travels
Language: English, French
Duration: 90/52 minutes
Format: HD (High-definition)


* Winner of Gold Award at The American Pixel Academy
* Winner of Bronze Remi Award for Feature Doc at 2010 WorldFest – Houston
* Winner of Award of Merit for Feature Doc at The Indie Fest


Réalisateur, écrivain, producteur : Tamás Wormser
Caméra, son : Tamás Wormser
Monteuse : Catherine Legault
Compositeur : Lundo
Compositeur additionnels : Jérôme Lipszyc and Franck Petrel
Producteur exécutif : Abbey Neidik
Producteur associé : Thierry Gendron

Sound Editor: Leopoldo Gutierrez
Additional Camera: Alex Chartrand, Tshi, Oz
Production Officer: Marie-Aude Samson
Additional Editor: Thierry Gendron
Online Editor: Sylvain Cossette
Mixer: Bruno Bélanger
Music Mix: Alexandre Ollivier


Natalie Daoust

Natalie Daoust has lived in 4 continents since she left her native Quebec, as her inspiration comes from culture shock. “I want to show things that people can’t see.” Femininity and sexuality are recurring themes in her photographs. We walk with her from the streets of New York to the alleys of Brazil’s City of God.

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Christina Hagmann

Christina Hagmann is a Swiss-Bulgarian artist, who has sailed the seven seas. “Home is the body. It’s the only luxury we have.” Her “body-extension-art”, balloon-like suits and capsules, have been part of major travelling exhibitions. For her, the ultimate art form is the relationship with others. We follow her from a port on the Saint-Lawrence to the banks of the Rhine.

Lundo Chango

Lundo Chango the lead-man of La Chango Family, is a French-born troubadour musician, who travels with his singer wife and two children. “Family became a wandering refuge.”  With his songs, Lundo has found a key to open hearts on his path. At the dawn of his group’s success, Lundo moves away from it all to start all over again. We tour with them from the streets of La Rochelle to the concert halls of Montreal.

László Kuli

László Kuli a Hungarian-born painter, is a travelling hermit. “When you enter the creative mind, it doesn’t have borders, you somehow experience limitlessness.” In the winter mountains of Québec, he lives in a small tent made from garbage bags. We follow him on his spiritual quest through the remnants of his communist era hometown, back to nature.

Jimmy Fachetty

Wandering is the way Jimmy Fachetty has survived the brutality of his childhood. Jimmy is a jeweler, a writer, a sculptor, an actor, a stuntman and more. A Ketchua Indian, he has been on his own since age 4. “I would not say I am a traveller, but an escaper, a searcher.” Jimmy cannot stay in one place for long. We accompany him from Montréal to Barcelona and Kobe, where he’s accepting the birth of his first child.